Around the Manifold Valley - Peak District Walk
Thursday 22nd April 2010
As the deadline was looming for one of the magazines I write for and the trees still look they do in winter I needed to find a route where I could use some pictures I had taken during the summer, as the walk is for a summer edition of the magazine. This route which crosses the floor of the Manifold Valley fitted the bill nicely.
Start: Wetton (SK 1089 5513)
Route: Wetton - Thor's Cave - Manifold Valley - Ladyside Wood - Grindon - Ossoms Hill - Wetton Mill - Wetton Hill - Wetton
Distance: 5.5 miles Ascent: 366 metres Time Taken: 3 hours 45 mins
Terrain: Good paths.
Weather: Warm and sunny.
Pub Visited: None Ale Drunk: None

Looking across to Wetton Church from the start of the walk.

The view across the Manifold Valley, to Grindon, from Wetton.

Approaching Thor's Cave.

Looking across the Manifold Valley towards Swallow Moss.

Sugarloaf and Ecton Hill come into view.

Thor's Cave.

Looking down on the Manifold Valley from Thor's Cave.

Following the path from Thor's Cave to the floor of the Manifold Valley. At long last there are flowers starting to bloom and there are some real signs that spring has arrived.

Looking back up to Thor's Cave from the bridge across the dry River Manifold.

Wetton Hill and Sugarloaf from the climb through Ladyside Wood.

Thor's Cave across the top of Ladyside Wood.

Primroses brightened up the path through Ladyside Wood.


More signs that spring is here.

Looking across to Butterton from Ossoms Hill Farm.

Sugarloaf and Wetton Hill from Ossoms Hill.

My lunchtime view, Ecton Hill and Sugarloaf , from Ossoms Hill.

The bridge at Wetton Mill.

If I hadn't been tying to take the picture of the bridge I wouldn't have spotted another of the Ranger Service benches at Wetton Mill.

Nan Tor Cave, above Wetton Mill.

Heading along the dry dale between Sugarloaf and Wetton Hill.

Looking back to the Back of Ecton from Wetton Hill.

Daffodils brighten up the road to the car park in Wetton.
All pictures copyright © Peak Walker 2006-2023